Nothing that ish not real

Today another twitter follower revealed the depsh of her dishillushion and dishappointment with me – she called me a ‘male believe’ and a ‘false person.’

(I imagine she meant ‘make-believe’, a word-joining that doesh in shome way deshcribe – oh, thish ish very meta – both the role of the actor, and of the tweeter – any twitter account ish a matter of make-believe, after all. Shorry, take your time, thish may be too deeply philoshophical for you, we’re all made differently, are we not?)

Anyway, where wash I? Yesh, being real, or make-believe.

I am amushed to be accushed. Indignant, too, and prone to keeping the joke going, but mainly amushed.  And heaving a number of little shighsh and chucklesh, ash I go about my life in the land of MakeBelieve.

I am real. In esshenshe, I am nothing that ish not real.

Luckily, my Twitter preshenshe ish not mishundershtood by everybody.Image

yoursh cordially

Big Tam